It is less of a problem in the US but in other countries, there are businesses that are corrupt through and through.  The idea that one must guard the reputation of the corporation is foreign to its managers and leaders.  The company is there for boodling and personal aggrandizement.  What customers think is not the issue.  What the government might expect is ignored because the individuals who make up the government have been paid off.  This used to be the case in the US in the 19th Century when legislators were purchased wholesale.  There are claims that the same is true today with lobbying money sloshing through campaign coffers.  But, it is not the same as suitcases of cash handed off to legislators in hotel rooms.  When companies and governments believe they are above the law, reputation doesn’t apply — until a day that it does.  But, that day might be decades hence and meanwhile, the corrupt business drains cash from its customers with abandon.

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