
Whether or not it created the most buzz during Internet Week New York is up for debate. But Stickybits holds major potential for any consumer packaged goods brand.

According to Techcrunch, Seth Goldstein considers the mobile app an evolution of online media.

"In 1996, webpages became media. In 2001, search became media. In 2005, people became media. In 2007, status updates became media. Last year, places became media. And in 2010, objects will become media.”

Stickybits lets your smartphone take a picture of the barcode on any product or object (via Stickybits barcode stickers). The user can then view content from the brand, content from other users or add their own content to the object – from video and text to photos and audio comments. All content bcomes a threaded conversation and users can rate content they experience.


As Pepsi is already working with Stickybits, they offer a great CPG example. Download the app, scan a Pepsi can and you’ll see content from the brand and its consumers.

Options for consumers and brands using Stickybits are limited only by the imagination as you can now check-in with an object much in the way Foursquare lets you check-in to a location. Here are just a few ideas for brands.

  • Attach an instruction video to a product, eliminating paper and possibly extra packaging
  • Add a wine review to the bottle or a movie review to a DVD
  • Host a recipe contest where every recipe attached to the barcode is voted on by customers who ultimately select the winner
  • Serve up a video on a product with details about a new product or detailing a cause marketing push
  • Push out a coupon for a complementary product offered by the brand

Transform Products into Owned and Earned Media

Over time, as the user base grows, companies like can mine this information and serve up relevant coupons for brands based on the information gleaned from each barcode.

And as the accuracy of geolocation continues to evolve, CPG brands may even be able to optimize shelf space based on what they learn from Stickybits. The concept of turning an entire product line into owned and ultimately earned media is powerful. As a result, we recommend CPG brands spend some time with this emerging app.

Cross-posted to my work blog Social Study

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