Saturday July 27, 2024

Enough To Change A Reputation?

Long-distance bicycling (the Tour de France) has long been tainted.  Riders have taken every kind of performance enhancing drug or potion available.  That is why the success of this team is important to the future of the sport.   The team wants to prove that one can win on the basis of athletic prowess alone.  And, […]

Book Review: Out of many, not enough

Harold Burson’s 2004 memoir E Pluribus Unum – The Making of Burson Marsteller was my second book of 2011 and to be honest I was looking forward to starting it.  Mr. Burson is one of the few giants of the Public Relations business.  In 1953 with Bill Marsteller he started Burson-Marsteller and drove its growth […]