Sunday January 19, 2025

How Social Media Fuels Content Marketing — INFOGRAPHIC

AdAge’s article, “Four Areas Agencies Need to Embrace to Stay Relevant” caught my attention. It notes external collaboration is an area agencies need more of to keep up in our industry. Internal collaboration is equally important–and almost as rare. Industry discussions around social media, public relations and content marketing provide one example. These discussions seem […]

Can Your Content Capture the Consumers’ 8-Second Attention Span?

Did you know the average consumer attention span is only eight seconds? It’s no surprise in today’s world. But it’s alarming when you consider the average goldfish attention span is nine seconds. It’s one of the reasons I was compelled to write a guest post for the Spin Sucks blog. Four Tips to Help You […]

Do You Follow the 6 Content Curation Principles?

Content curation is sometimes described as a “short cut” to creating content. Well, if you’re doing it right, this assumption is incorrect. It can certainly be less resource-intensive over time — by integrating tools like PublishThis into your CMS for example. But if you think it’s as simple as copying and pasting a few random […]

Why Marketers Shouldn’t Create Content

My colleague, Mike Cargill, sent this story to me for which I thank him.  It is an example of why marketers shouldn’t create content.  The article is a collection of some of the best and worst tweets commemorating 9/11.  The bad ones are terrible and disrespectful.  They push product on a day when commercialism should […]

5 Content Marketing Tips the TV Series Finale Teaches Us

How I Met Your Mother #HIMYM ended a nine-season run with its series finale earlier this week. And of course, like most series finales, it received mixed reviews. The critics in this instance are my content marketing colleagues. In fact #HIMYM inspired a broader discussion from which we pulled five lessons content marketers can take from […]

Nostalgia, #tbt, Quizzes & The Secret to Content Engagement

A recent BuzzFeed presentation inspired me to consider how marketers and publishers are tapping into nostalgia to push engagement online. Appealing to a consumer’s sense of nostalgia is just one approach BuzzFeed recommends to crafting content readers will share with their friends. This is not a subjective statement considering that BuzzFeed had 100 million unique […]

The Six Ingredients for Snackable Content

Can you define snackable content? Many marketers asked the same question will use the infamous quote: “I know it when I see it.” This is because the definition of snackable content lacks clearly defined parameters. This can give the term a subjective meaning. Even I’ll define it here in simple terms. “Content is snackable when […]

Samsung Content Marketing Campaign Takes “New” Approach

Samsung teamed up with Foursquare to create “Time Machine,” a co-branded microsite that turns a consumer’s Foursquare history into content. Users can watch their history unfold in real time, get recommendations on “the next big thing” to visit and share their history in infographic form. While the approach is familiar, the campaign is new and […]

An Important Tip for Sustainable Content Creation

At the recent, inaugural #solopr conference, I really enjoyed the other speakers’ presentations. One of those individuals, Tom Martin, served up a simple but powerful tip regarding content creation. Whether you’re blogging, part of a brand newsroom or just creating content – think in terms of cornerstones and not just cobblestones. Star Wars as Cobblestones […]

Who Should Own Content Marketing In Your Organization?

Read enough industry opinion on content marketing, and you can start to determine each author’s professional background. If their point of view is focused on: Interactive: the author tends to be in digital marketing or may work with a digital agency; Creative: a traditional marketer might be chief storyteller, perhaps working with a creative agency; […]