Thursday May 9, 2024

PR Battle

The announcement that AT&T is planning to buy T-Mobile is also the opening of a major PR battle for AT&T.  AT&T has to convince the Justice department and regulators that the merger passes anti-trust hurdles and that AT&T won’t raise cell phone rates unreasonably once the merger is done.  None of this will be easy. […]

Threading A Needle

President Obama is threading a needle of public opinion with the attacks on Libya.  On the one hand, he is trying to satisfy conservatives who want Qaddafi gone.  On the other, he needs to mollify liberals who are enraged that America has entered yet another conflict.  When the Speaker of the House tells him that he […]

Even The Wise Are Foolish

This story is evidence that even the wise are foolish when it comes to money.  It is possible that Groupon’s growth rate is such that it will easily achieve $25 billion, but it is more likely that it is being overvalued by a market that is once again believing in bubble economics.  As the bubbles […]

PR Bungle With Consequences

Here is a public relations gaffe that is leading to a nightmare for a CEO and his company.  Accuse managers in the company of corporate espionage.  Hold them up for all the world to see then watch your case against them crumble to the point where you issue an apology to the men.  Now, watch a […]


Twitter is celebrating its fifth birthday with statistics about its growth.  Among facts about the service was the announcement that users now send a billion tweets a week.  That is the definition of noise.  Even when one considers that the billion tweets are broken into millions of separate audiences, there is still too much information flowing through […]

A Reminder

This article is a reminder that one is never in private any longer, and anything one says or writes can be made public.  While the piece focuses on recent “stings” perpetrated on the Governor of Wisconsin and a senior executive of National Public Radio, it could have been much longer and more comprehensive.  For example, […]

Stress Test

In a disaster of the magnitude that Japan has suffered, every communication system is stressed to the breaking point.  It should surprise no one that some have failed when towns have disappeared and tens of thousands are waiting for rescue and relief.   The government has a brief time in which to get systems operating […]

#sxswcares about Japan and needs your help

This post is to alert you to #sxswcares — a site to collect donations for Japan relief efforts in light of the tragic natural disasters. In less than 24 hours, as of this post, #sxswcares has raised nearly $5,000 in donations. You can donate too at the site or just donate to the relief cause. Separately you […]

How To Lose A Client

How to lose a client in one tweet… Tweet This Post

A PR Gesture

The announcement that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will meet with the Libyan opposition is good news but not enough.  It is a PR gesture at a time when the American intelligence community has already concluded that Col. Qaddafi will win a protracted civil war.  Indeed, he retook a town yesterday and apparently has seized the […]