Sunday January 19, 2025


It’s not a happy New Year in New Orleans this morning.  In fact, it’s more of the same violence and suffering of 2024 and previous years.  One asks why and there is no good answer.  What makes people act out and kill others?  One can say they are mentally incompetent but that is not a definitive response.  There is a deep well of unhappiness and conspiracy theories in the US, and it produces killers time and again.  It is a symptom of a disease in the body politic, one that will not disappear easily or ever.  

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More Red Meat

President-elect Trump has thrown out more red meat for conservatives with his insistence that the US owns the Panama canal.   Panama’s president is not amused, but it won’t happen that the US will take it over again.  Trump is feeding more bulls__t to his base to keep them agitated.  Rage as a PR tactic.

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By His Deeds

 By his deeds you shall know him.  He was a secular saint and his own best PR.   

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Americans are exhausted with political news after a contentious presidential election, and they are tuning out.  What kind of persuasion is needed to get them back?  News media are going to find out, and it might not be investigative reporting.  

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Starting Over

College sports are starting over now that players can receive money for their Name, Image and Likeness (NIL). Already football has changed dramatically with players moving to universities that can pay them well.  Come April 7, the last strictures will be swept away and every sport will be subject to NIL. Coaches don’t like the new regime and fans might eventually rebel at paying higher ticket prices.  But the perception of amateurs playing college sports is gone.  It’s a new world of competition and fund raising for the best athletes and some schools will come out on top while the remainder recede.  Coaches and athletic directors will have to intensify recruiting efforts with cash in hand, their pitches less about school spirit and more about earnings.  It’s a tough position to be in but that’s the way it is.  

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Bad Omen

The Dow plunged yesterday and is in the longest losing streak since 1974.  So much for an optimistic view of the economy.  The Federal Reserve has concluded that inflation is stubborn and is not coming down to the two percent level as planned.  Hence, fewer rate cuts in 2025.  President Trump will have a restive citizenry on his hands when he is inaugurated and his actions and words will either improve or worsen the situation.  No one knows at this point, but one thing is clear.  If he starts to meddle with the Federal Reserve, he will make things worse.  One hopes he is smarter than that.  

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Will this keep developers from building more high rises along Florida’s coastline?  No.  Where there is money to be made, they will continue until something major happens and the government stops them.  Capitalism has little concern for the future.  

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Too Much?

Was there too much PR at the rededication of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris?  Some think so, but it was still a coup for LVMH.  

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Getting Ready

The mainstream media are getting ready for the Trump presidency.  They anticipate a rough time from his administration and they will get it.  Nevertheless, they are dedicated to reporting the facts whether the facts support Trump’s views and behavior or not.  It’s not going to be easy and editors will insist on thorough corroboration of details as they should be doing already.  Mainstream media’s safety will be meticulous processes of vetting before publishing while social media vomit misinformation and lies. There are bound to be mistakes but it will be a measure of professionalism to admit them quickly and repair copy rather than fighting a losing battle. The next four years (and maybe, more) will be a test of integrity and whether the mainstream media can maintain it.  

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Forbidden But Still Seen

Authorities can forbid people to watch or read material but on the internet, the data will come out.  Such is happening in Israel with a documentary comprising police interviews of the Prime Minister and associates.  Viewing the material is forbidden due to privacy concerns but Israelis are watching it anyway.  It’s better to be transparent from the beginning rather then hiding and to manage communications if at all possible.  

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