Saturday July 27, 2024

A PR Problem Either Way

Wal-Mart announced that it is sold out of some guns because of surging demand.  That is an interesting PR problem.  On the one hand, Wal-Mart needs to please customers, many of whom are gun-owners.  On the other, the company is coming under pressure, as are all gun sales outlets, to stop arms sales.  Wal-Mart carries […]

Long-term Problem

This is a long-term problem for the President, the next President and perhaps, the President after that.  The middle-class of America was crushed by the burst housing bubble.  Retirement funds are gone and any notion of passing wealth to the next generation is a mirage.  The decline will change the way politicians talk about the […]

Business Decision – PR Problem

There are times when a corporation can’t win.  This is one.  Boeing in response to pending cutbacks in military budgets has elected to close its 80-year-old plant in Wichita, KS.  Everyone is crying foul.  Kansas politicians had gone to bat for the company in its long and much-disputed win of an Air Force aerial tanker […]

Continuing Problem

As this story relates, even reasonable people have blind spots and suffer from incredulity.  It is an issue the President is facing now by deciding not to release photos of the deceased Osama bin Laden.  Part of his justification is that even with a photo, some people will refuse to believe — and he is […]

Emerging PR Problem?

After a successful State of the Union Speech last night, the President probably doesn’t want to see this news.  Yet, it is important since housing is one of the key investments consumers make.  Should the housing market take a double dip, the economy won’t continue to climb and consumer confidence will plunge again. Knowing this, […]

A Viral PR Problem

Here is a viral PR problem for Walt Disney World.  Employees are speaking out online about low wages and the need for better compensation.  There is nothing Disney can do about it except to monitor what is being said and perhaps increase the pay of its cast members.  This is the future for all companies […]

The Panel Problem

What is it about government panels and commissions?  They come up with economically astute solutions that are politically dead from the moment they are announced.  Here is a case of another one.  The deficit panel’s ideas make sense to close the government’s budget gap but few senators or congressmen will support them.  And, that is […]

PR Problem

Here is an interesting PR problem for the White House.  It is granting waivers to companies from the health care reform law to keep them offering health insurance to employees.  This goes along with large write-downs earlier in the year that corporations took because of the law.  It reinforces the perception that health care reform isn’t working […]

Interesting PR Problem

Attorneys General are pushing Craigslist to drop prostitution ads from its service.  The head of Craigslist resisted at first but is sounding more conciliatory now.  It is an interesting PR problem whether to tolerate an activity that almost always has criminality associated with it or to exclude it.  What would you do? Tweet This Post

Nascent PR Problem

As this article indicates, there will be medical rationing under the new healthcare reform bill. That rationing will come from the government but it will also come from insurance companies pressured by the government to keep returns within narrow brackets. This will force insurance companies to become leaner and to pressure doctors and hospitals to […]