Thursday May 9, 2024

Respect the brand this Christmas/Holiday Season*

I love seeing creativity. Mixing creativity with humor to poke fun at an institution is better again. It’s why I love the Santa Brand Book. Serious kudos to Quiet Room on their magnificent work in support of one of the world’s truly enduring mega-brands. I will never use unapproved Santa® related vocabulary again.   *I […]

Technology And Communications

This is an interesting retrospective on change in technology and how it has affected communications.  The topic is camera phones.  Just a few years ago, technology gurus thought they were a dumb idea and could never replace point-and-shoot cameras.  Today, of course, there isn’t an event without people holding their camera phones aloft to record […]

Continuing PR Disaster

BP’s PR disaster in the Gulf has not ended.  It’s just beginning.  There will be stories like this for months to come as citizens quarrel with payments for losses due to the oil spill.  There is no way to reasonably compensate for damage due to the accident.  Those who have suffered harm are not entirely reasonable […]

Common Sense PR

This article from Inc. magazine defines the new rules for handling customer complaints.  It strikes me, however, that the rules are common sense PR.  There isn’t much that practitioners don’t do on a daily basis.  How is it that business keeps discovering the obvious?   What this tells me is that pursuit of profit can warp common […]


Reports that hackers are attacking web sites of companies deemed hostile to Wikileaks are not news.  Hackers have attacked organizations repeatedly on the web.  From a PR perspective, news would be what companies are doing to protect themselves from this kind of assault.  My bet is that most companies, even high profile corporations, are unprepared […]

Limits of PR

I wrote about the end of IPv4 and the need to move to IPv6 more than two years ago, and engineers have been predicting the need to make the move for 20 years.  Now it is here.  There are no IPv4 addresses available in reserve.  Meanwhile, the number of internet devices — computers, phones, tablets, etc. […]

A Viral PR Problem

Here is a viral PR problem for Walt Disney World.  Employees are speaking out online about low wages and the need for better compensation.  There is nothing Disney can do about it except to monitor what is being said and perhaps increase the pay of its cast members.  This is the future for all companies […]

Facebook Profiles, Tumblr Growing Pains & Moving from Self-Entitlement to Personal Accountability

If you don’t see your new profile yet on Facebook, just head here and follow the three easy steps. Dave Knox notes this is more for the advertiser and Facebook – not the user. Take Facebook’s tour and you’ll see that Knox is right. I’ll also note, while LinkedIn has been drafting off Facebook for awhile, […]

In Need Of Credibility

A year ago, one would not have thought that the Euro was in trouble as a monetary system.  What a difference a market meltdown makes.  The Euro today needs the highest level of PR to hold the market together and to continue as a viable currency.   That, of course, includes austerity programs in debt-ridden countries and bail-outs, […]

What Next?

This proposal by the Federal Trade Commission is a blow to e-commerce.  The challenge now is the kind of PR and public affairs campaign that e-commerce will undertake to soften the decision or make it easier to tolerate.  E-commerce depends on tracking to make it easier to serve the right kind advertisement to consumers.  It is more […]