Thursday May 9, 2024

Inarticulate Anger

It is hard to make changes when one cannot express a set of demands.  That is the difficulty in which the Occupy Wall Street protesters face at the moment.  They have struck a proper note for thousands of citizens to join them, but other than anger, they don’t yet know what to do.  Sooner or […]

Name That Observatory

Here is an interesting bit of science PR — bestowing a new name on an old observatory that has  been modernized.  It seems the old name — Very Large Array — no longer befits the facility with its new electronics and upgraded antennae.  So, now the operation is looking for something jazzier.  One could have […]

Reputation Killer, Cont.

Actions like this can destroy the reputation of a newspaper.  It is good that the Wall Street Journal covered in detail what happened and that the executive stepped down.  However, the Journal earns plenty of demerits for not discovering this itself and stopping it.  It took a whistleblower to bring the seamy affair to light. […]


Research in Motion (RIM) has placed itself in jeopardy with its Blackberry outages in Europe and North America.  There are some things consumers rarely forgive or forget.  Loss of an essential service is one.  RIM already is in a dogfight against Smartphones that are eroding its market share.  It can’t afford to gain a reputation […]

Adapt Or Die

What is the positioning message of an industry that must either adapt painfully or die?  That is the conundrum facing the publishing business where best-selling authors are going directly to readers or working  through  The authors earn more, have less bureaucracy to deal with and get greater speed to market.  So, what can the publishers […]

#NOCincyBananaSplit & #bananasforCLT — a tale of two hashtags

Can Twitter sway an international brand and its potential relocation plans? That remains to be seen. But I’ll argue it can’t hurt. #NOCincyBananaSplitA few weeks ago, Twitter’s J.B. Kropp contacted me and expressed his desire to get organized around what is now known as #NOCincyBananaSplit. It’s our Twitter-based campaign to make sure Chiquita knows that […]

Good Or Bad PR?

Did Netflix practice good or bad public relations by cancelling the split between its DVD and streaming services?  One could argue either way.  The first argument is that Netflix should have known better than to split them in the first place.  Had it done market research, its customers would have told them it was a […]

New Case Section has a new section devoted to communications cases.  It is here.    Many of the cases are modeled after events reported in the news media.  To use a cliche, they are “ripped from the headlines.”  The cases are designed to make you think.   There are no answers to several of them, so any […]

Marketing, Hoarders & Throw-Aways

For one reason or another, I always seem to uncover items that are being kept around even though they no longer hold value. Items become obsolete — from this diskette I hung onto for years at my last job to time-sensitive marketing materials that have an expired date or use the old brand identity. But we […]

Silly Publicity

The idea that New Hampshire should be the first state to hold a primary for the presidential nomination has long been silly, but the state makes it a point of pride to be the leader.  This has set up constant jockeying among other states who move their primaries up as well.  It is all sophomoric and should […]